What We’re About Here

A blog like this has been a long time coming for me. I’ve started and stopped several like it, always over analyzing what I want it to be. I set grand goals that usually have something to do with “branding” and “professionalism” and “building a portfolio.” The blog wanders away from what I always wanted it to be. 

A place to talk about books. 

I love books. When I was young, I LOVED being read to–so much so that my parents would hide my favorite book of nursery rhymes from me because they got sick of it long before I did. When I was able to read independently, I loved reading to myself because it was so much faster! Already I felt the crunch of too many books and not nearly enough hours in the day. 

A stack of books with the spines towards the side, on a table

I went on to study English for both my bachelor and master’s degrees. And there I fell in love with books in community. I loved talking about books, gushing over the good ones, bashing the bad ones, always questioning someone’s literary taste. As an introvert, I don’t generally like people. But I don’t mind people when we talk about books. 

That’s all I’ve ever really wanted from a blog. To talk about the books I’ve loved and hated with a bunch of different people who might love or hate them too. I read a lot of different stuff—horror, mystery, thriller, and literary fiction are my biggest genres, though romance has been making its way into there, much to my initial surprise (Nora Roberts is as wealthy as she is for a reason, folks). 

I want to talk books with you. I want to talk about what I’m reading, to hear what you’ve got your nose into right now, to take all of your recommendations for books I must read. Grab a cup of coffee and a very large, snuggly blanket. Snuggle in somewhere cozy. 

Talk books with me. 

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